Sunday, 24 May 2020

Some useful tools for preparing slides in Malayalam

Some useful tools for preparing slides in Malayalam are listed below. The steps to prepare slides in Malayalam are also outlined.

  1. Libre Office  (Microsoft Office would also be ok, but open source is preferable)
  2. Google input tool for typing in Malayalam
  3. For making drawings/charts etc
Steps to prepare slides in Malayalam:
  1. Enable typing in Malayalam on your PC/Laptop. For Ubuntu linux systems please follow this post for the steps
  2. If you are comfortable typing in Malayalam directly in Microsoft Powerpoint /Libre office impress you can avoid use of Google input tools to type in Malayalam. Otherwise, use the Google input tools to type in Malayalam, copy the content and paste in the ppt.
  3. If using Google input tool, select the content pasted in ppt, choose and apply a suitable Malayalam font (as sometimes the Google font does not display correctly when pasted in power point/libre office).
  4. Once the slide is ready convert it into PDF so that font errors won' t appear when viewed on other systems which don't have Malayalam fonts.
A sample template for Malayalam PPT in Libre Office format (odp) 


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